Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Mother Of All Interviews!

A new show! Fantastic! I told you 2006 was good!

The guest: 'Mother' Teresa!

Look at those links on the right - the one with the funky Simulacrum logo will take you to the site!

Or, if you're lazy, just click the word DONKEY to listen!

Or, if you have ITunes and want to subscribe (for free) to the show, click on the word PROLAPSE!

Or, if you want to get nowhere in life, click on the word HERE.


At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Do you sell "Manjam" on your site?

2. You should have offered Mother Theresa a jar of "Manjam" and maybe spread it on some wheat toast for her.

3. I know that she DID watch Anal Grandmothers 2, though...

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Chris said...

1. certainly not
2. she'd like that
3. I KNEW IT! it's the best one!


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