Friday, March 17, 2006

The Collapse of British Society

Don’t read on if the word ‘cunt’ offends…

I was in the pub a few nights ago with a friend discussing the way we go through phases of using certain words, and how these phases bring new words into our everyday vocab that replace older words (we’re thrilling company!).

From here we realised that we say the word ‘cunt’ much more than the word ‘marmalade’. This isn’t all that surprising for two twenty something Londoners, but quite worrying given that we estimated that we have a ‘Cunt to Marmalade Ratio’ of several hundred to one.

This is very demographic specific of course, many countries use neither word. Young children probably say ‘marmalade’ more, as with most older people.

I would therefore be fascinated to hear your thoughts on this. What is your Cunt to Marmalade ratio? Please comment/email with your thoughts and ratios (include age and location)! If I get enough replies, I will get some stats together.

(The irony of realising that I have such an obscene Cunt to Marmalade Ratio, subsequently reducing it, hasn’t been lost on me)

((also, why are you here? Go here!))

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Newish site

It's a bit silly keeping my blog and my main site separate, so I'm changing things dammit!

I'm doing everything Simulacrum at for now - Have a look, let me know how it tickles you and let's see how it goes!

Cheap Domain Registration